3D implicit stratigraphic model building from remote sensing data on tetrahedral meshes: theory and application to a regional model of La Popa Basin, NE Mexico

in: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (12p.)


Remote sensing data provide significant information to constrain the geometry of geological structures at depth. However, the use of intraformational geomorphologic features such as flatirons and incised valleys often calls for tedious user interaction during the 3D model building workflow. We propose a new method to generate 3D models of stratigraphic formations, based primarily on remote sensing images and digital elevation models. This method is based on interpretations of the main relief markers and interpolation of a stratigraphic property on a tetahedral mesh covering the domain of study. The tetrahedral mesh provides a convenient way to integrate available data during the interpolation while accounting for discontinuities such as faults. Interpretive expert input may be provided through constrained interactive editing on arbitrary cross-sections, and additional surface or subsurface data may also be integrated in the modeling. We demonstrate this global workflow on a structurally complex basin in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeastern Mexico.

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 abstract = {Remote sensing data provide significant information to constrain the geometry of geological structures at depth. However, the use of intraformational geomorphologic features such as flatirons and incised valleys often calls for tedious user interaction during the 3D model building workflow. We propose a new method to generate 3D models of stratigraphic formations, based primarily on remote sensing images and digital elevation models. This method is based on interpretations of the main relief markers and interpolation of a stratigraphic property on a tetahedral mesh covering the domain of study. The tetrahedral mesh provides a convenient way to integrate available data during the interpolation while accounting for discontinuities such as faults. Interpretive expert input may be provided through constrained interactive editing on arbitrary cross-sections, and additional surface or subsurface data may also be integrated in the modeling. We demonstrate this global workflow on a structurally complex basin in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Northeastern Mexico.},
 author = {Caumon, Guillaume and Gray, Gary and Antoine, Christophe and Titeux, Marc-Olivier},
 doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2012.2207727},
 hal_id = {hal-00723052},
 hal_version = {v1},
 journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}},
 keywords = {G.1.1Interpolation G.1.6:Optimization G.1.10:Applications G.2.3: Applications H.5.2:Graphical User interface I.2.1.a:Cartography I.6.5: Model development J.2.e Earth and atmospheric sciences J.6.a Computeraided design},
 month = {August},
 note = {In press},
 pages = {12p.},
 pdf = {https://hal.science/hal-00723052v1/file/TGRS-2010-01.pdf},
 publisher = {{Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers}},
 title = {{3D implicit stratigraphic model building from remote sensing data on tetrahedral meshes: theory and application to a regional model of La Popa Basin, NE Mexico}},
 url = {https://hal.science/hal-00723052},
 year = {2012}