A Finite Element Approach for Geological Section Reconstruction

Marcio Rodrigues de Santi and Joao Luiz Campos and Luiz Fernando Martha. ( 2002 )
in: 22th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


This work presents a new approach for the restoration of geological cross-sections based on physical modeling and numerical simulation. Its main purpose is to introduce Continuum Mechanics concepts into the geological restoration process in order to consider physical properties of the materials during the simulation of the movement of a rock block along a fault. The adopted strategy uses a dynamic relaxation algorithm to solve the equation system that arises from the numerical simulation based on the Finite Element Method, together with some specific boundary conditions to represent the movement of the rock block over the fault.

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     abstract = { This work presents a new approach for the restoration of geological cross-sections based on physical modeling and numerical simulation. Its main purpose is to introduce Continuum Mechanics concepts into the geological restoration process in order to consider physical properties of the materials during the simulation of the movement of a rock block along a fault. The adopted strategy uses a dynamic relaxation algorithm to solve the equation system that arises from the numerical simulation based on the Finite Element Method, together with some specific boundary conditions to represent the movement of the rock block over the fault. },
     author = { Rodrigues de Santi, Marcio AND Campos, Joao Luiz AND Martha, Luiz Fernando },
     booktitle = { 22th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { A Finite Element Approach for Geological Section Reconstruction },
     year = { 2002 }