Co-refinement for cellular surfaces and volumes : A multi-purpose tool for geomodeling

Stéphane Conreaux and Yves Bertrand and Bruno Levy and Jean-Laurent Mallet. ( 2000 )
in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


In geomodeling, several tasks require 2D or 3D meshes to be intersected. For instance, as shown in Figure 1-A, modeling a fault intersecting an horizon requires to compute accurate intersections between triangles, and remeshing both surfaces (this corresponds to the ’Cut’ operation in Gocad). Another case is encountered when constructing polyhedral grids made of multiple blocks. The grid shown in Figure 1-B represents a faulted layer, and is made of two blocks separated by the fault. For such a grid, in order to ease flow simulations ran on it, it may be suitable to accurately represent the geometric relations between the cells in contact with the fault. The case shown in Figure 1-C illustrates how several unstructured grids representing intersecting channels may be combined into a single grid by using the so-called ’boolean’ operations. The notion of ’co-refinement’ is an operator acting on cellular meshes, and enabling these three different operationsto be implemented in a robust, unified and theoretically sound way. This paper reviews several approaches for co-refinement for surfaces and volumes, and shows how they can be used for geomodeling.

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     abstract = { In geomodeling, several tasks require 2D or 3D meshes to be intersected. For instance, as shown in Figure 1-A, modeling a fault intersecting an horizon requires to compute accurate intersections between triangles, and remeshing both surfaces (this corresponds to the ’Cut’ operation in Gocad). Another case is encountered when constructing polyhedral grids made of multiple blocks. The grid shown in Figure 1-B represents a faulted layer, and is made of two blocks separated by the fault. For such a grid, in order to ease flow simulations ran on it, it may be suitable to accurately represent the geometric relations between the cells in contact with the fault. The case shown in Figure 1-C illustrates how several unstructured grids representing intersecting channels may be combined into a single grid by using the so-called ’boolean’ operations. The notion of ’co-refinement’ is an operator acting on cellular meshes, and enabling these three different operationsto be implemented in a robust, unified and theoretically sound way. This paper reviews several approaches for co-refinement for surfaces and volumes, and shows how they can be used for geomodeling. },
     author = { Conreaux, Stéphane AND Bertrand, Yves AND Levy, Bruno AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 20th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Co-refinement for cellular surfaces and volumes : A multi-purpose tool for geomodeling },
     year = { 2000 }