Estimation of regionalized polar and axial unit vectors

K. Gerald Boogaart and Helmut Schaeben. ( 2000 )
in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


The problem to predict a direction, axis or orientation (rotation) from corresponding geocoded data is discussed and a general solution is presented including an explicit justification in terms of mathematical assumptions concerning stationarity/homogeneity and isotropy. The data are modelled by a random stationary field, and the spatial coherence is represented by modified multivariate variograms and covariograms. Various types of isotropy assumptions can be distinguished and lead to different simplifications of the general cross–covariogram. Beyond spatial prediction a measure of confidence in the estimates is provided.

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     abstract = { The problem to predict a direction, axis or orientation (rotation) from corresponding geocoded data is discussed and a general solution is presented including an explicit justification in terms of mathematical assumptions concerning stationarity/homogeneity and isotropy. The data are modelled by a random stationary field, and the spatial coherence is represented by modified multivariate variograms and covariograms. Various types of isotropy assumptions can be distinguished and lead to different simplifications of the general cross–covariogram. Beyond spatial prediction a measure of confidence in the estimates is provided. },
     author = { Boogaart, K. Gerald AND Schaeben, Helmut },
     booktitle = { 20th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Estimation of regionalized polar and axial unit vectors },
     year = { 2000 }