Capucine Legentil
Local geomodel updating: geometry and topology
Paul Cupillard and Guillaume Caumon and Pierre Anquez and Capucine Legentil and Nathalie Glinsky and Jeanne Pellerin and Algiane Froehly.
in: SSA Annual Meeting
in: Applied Computing and Geosciences, 18 (100118)
in: 21th Annual Conference of the IAMG
in: Computers \& Geosciences, 159 (105013)
Guillaume Balarac and Francesca Basile and Pierre BĂ©nard and Felipe Bordeu and Jean-Baptiste Chapelier and Luca Cirrottola and Guillaume Caumon and Charles Dapogny and Pascal Frey and Algiane Froehly and Giovanni Ghigliotti and Romain Laraufie and Ghislain Lartigue and Capucine Legentil and Renaud Mercier and Vincent Moureau and Chiara Nardoni and Savinien Pertant and Mustapha Zakari.
in: MathematicS In Action, 11:1 (129-164)
in: 10th International Conference on Adaptative Modeling and Simulation, CIMNE