Florent Lallier

Research Topic
I am currently working on stochastic stratigraphy well correaltion. The correlation of outcrop or well cores and logs is a fundamental step in reservoir studies and modeling, yet subject to many uncertainties. My project aims at creating an algorithm which could generate several possible sets of stratigraphic well correlations. This algorithm would be based on the computation of the correlation probability between each stratigraphic units. From these probabilities, several possible realizations of correlations will be computed. These realizations will be used to:
- evaluate the accuracy of the well interpretation in terms of facies and depositional environments;
- generate reservoir model integrating uncertainties due to stratigraphic well correlation.
- C++ Programming to BSc students
- Geostatictics
Lallier F., Viseur S., Caumon G. and Borgomano J. Relevance of the Stochastic Sequence Stratigraphic approach for the study of complex carbonate settings: Application to the Malampaya buildup (Offshore Palawan, Philippines).
Advances in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Analysis, The Geological Society of London, November 2010
Lallier, F., Viseur, S., Borgomano, J. and Caumon, G. 3D Stochastic Stratigraphic Well Correlation of Carbonate Ramp Systems.International Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha, December 2009 (Code 80275)
Lallier, F., Viseur, S., Borgomano, J. and Caumon G. Corrélation Stratigraphique Stochastique de Puits dans des Réservoirs Carbonatés. 12ème congrès de l'ASF, Rennes, October 2009.
Lallier, F., Viseur, S., Borgomano, J., and Caumon, G. 3D Stochastic Stratigraphic Well Correlation of Carbonate Ramp Systems. AAPG annual meeting, Denver, June 2009.