Local Grid Refinement in 2D and 3D

Laurent Souche and Stéphane Conreaux and Bruno Levy. ( 2000 )
in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Local Grid refinement, also reffered as to LGR [MC73, OP85], may be usually included within an upscaling process. It is used for improving accuracy of flow simulators inside upscaled grids. The purpose of this work is not here to improve an upscaling tool as it does not exist, but to provide meshing tools that will allow the user to easily modify some polyhedral mesh, taking into account wells, geobody limits....

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     abstract = { Local Grid refinement, also reffered as to LGR [MC73, OP85], may be usually included within an upscaling process. It is used for improving accuracy of flow simulators inside upscaled grids. The purpose of this work is not here to improve an upscaling tool as it does not exist, but to provide meshing tools that will allow the user to easily modify some polyhedral mesh, taking into account wells, geobody limits.... },
     author = { Souche, Laurent AND Conreaux, Stéphane AND Levy, Bruno },
     booktitle = { 20th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Local Grid Refinement in 2D and 3D },
     year = { 2000 }