Building a complex surface from a dense set of data points

in: 20th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


This paper introduces a new method for creating a smooth triangulated surface from a dense unstructured set of points. Our approach enables a surface to be constructed by approximating data points. These data points are provided with directional information, indicating the local orientation of the surface. The surface is then found to be an iso-surface of an implicit function interpolated by DSI on a regular grid (voxet). A regularized Marching Cubes algorithm is used to extract this iso-surface. Our contribution lies in two main points: The density of the reconstructed surfaces is independent from the density of the initial set of points. Unlike other methods, our approach can take normal vectors into account. The properties mentioned above make our work suitable for the automatic reconstruction of interfaces from seismic data.

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     abstract = { This paper introduces a new method for creating a smooth triangulated surface from a dense unstructured set of points. Our approach enables a surface to be constructed by approximating data points. These data points are provided with directional information, indicating the local orientation of the surface. The surface is then found to be an iso-surface of an implicit function interpolated by DSI on a regular grid (voxet). A regularized Marching Cubes algorithm is used to extract this iso-surface. Our contribution lies in two main points: The density of the reconstructed surfaces is independent from the density of the initial set of points. Unlike other methods, our approach can take normal vectors into account. The properties mentioned above make our work suitable for the automatic reconstruction of interfaces from seismic data. },
     author = { Ledez, David AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 20th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Building a complex surface from a dense set of data points },
     year = { 2000 }