

Sophie Viseur and C. Matonti and S. Gaffet and Y. Guglielmi..
in: Proc. 32nd Gocad Meeting, Nancy
Charles Edouard Boukare and Guillaume Caumon and Jerome Lave and Gautier Laurent.
in: Proc. 32nd Gocad Meeting, Nancy
Cecile Vuilleumier and Pauline Collon.
in: Proc. 32nd Gocad Meeting, Nancy, France
Guillaume Moog and Hamdi Tchelepi.
in: Proc. 32nd Gocad Meeting, Nancy
in: Proc. 32nd Gocad Meeting, Nancy


Pedro A. Chira-Oliva and Joao C. R. Cruz and Anderson André Alves Silva da.
in: Proc. 31st Gocad Meeting, Nancy