Continuous deformation of 3D models Jelly model paradigm and Soft model

in: 19th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Some iterative processes such as tomographie inversion or simulations need for a way to consistently deform a model without requiring user intervention. In this paper, we introduce two approaches, the first one, referred to as 'Jelly Model', is based on a 3D deformation of the space, represented by a function. The other approach consists in defining a new model object, where regions can be represented without needing to eut the interfaces. This new model, based on the Darts topology and the HESC structure, is named 'Soft Model'.

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     abstract = { Some iterative processes such as tomographie inversion or simulations need for a way to consistently deform a model without requiring user intervention. In this paper, we introduce two approaches, the first one, referred to as 'Jelly Model', is based on a 3D deformation of the space, represented by a function. The other approach consists in defining a new model object, where regions can be represented without needing to eut the interfaces. This new model, based on the Darts topology and the HESC structure, is named 'Soft Model'. },
     author = { Grosse, Olivier AND Levy, Bruno AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 19th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Continuous deformation of 3D models Jelly model paradigm and Soft model },
     year = { 1999 }