Faulted Stratigraphic Grids: Cut and DSI Constraints

Richard Cognot and Laurent Deny and Bruno Levy. ( 1998 )
in: 17th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Since the last GOCAD meeting, there has been a lot of work focused on the SGrid abjects. Two main front lines were opened: first, finalize the new SGrid Cut algorithm, and incorporate it into the mainstream GOCAD version. Then, now that the topology is proved ta be correct after each eut, new constraints such as homogeneity and orthogonality have been introduced. Not only do these constraints allow for better grids ta be generated through D.S.I., but they also greatly improve the convergence speed of the algorithm, as they are global constraints. A new initializing method, coupled with a D.S.I. constraint has also been added. It is now possible to initialize and cons train a grid ta be inside a vertical cylinder. Additionally, the SGrid drawing functions have been entirely rewritten, to refiect the profound changes in the way the SGrid topology is now handled.

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     abstract = { Since the last GOCAD meeting, there has been a lot of work focused on the SGrid abjects. Two main front lines were opened: first, finalize the new SGrid Cut algorithm, and incorporate it into the mainstream GOCAD version. Then, now that the topology is proved ta be correct after each eut, new constraints such as homogeneity and orthogonality have been introduced. Not only do these constraints allow for better grids ta be generated through D.S.I., but they also greatly improve the convergence speed of the algorithm, as they are global constraints. A new initializing method, coupled with a D.S.I. constraint has also been added. It is now possible to initialize and cons train a grid ta be inside a vertical cylinder. Additionally, the SGrid drawing functions have been entirely rewritten, to refiect the profound changes in the way the SGrid topology is now handled. },
     author = { Cognot, Richard AND Deny, Laurent AND Levy, Bruno },
     booktitle = { 17th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Faulted Stratigraphic Grids: Cut and DSI Constraints },
     year = { 1998 }