Connectivites across faults in a Stratigraphic Grid: Notion of Transmitter

in: 17th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Severa! different methods are available to build faulted stratigraphie grids. One such an object is constructed, it may be filled with property values used to feed different numerical processes. Sorne of these processes, as for instance flow simulators, require an efficient ways to find the neighbars of a given cell. For a non-faulted stratigraphie grid, each cell has at most six neighbors that can be round trivially using the Cu, v, w) indices of the considered cell. lntroducing faults in curvilinear grids makes the computation of cell neighborhoods non trivial in faulted zones. This paper proposes an original approach for determining the 50 called nonneighborhood connectivities of the cells in the faulted zones.

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     abstract = { Severa! different methods are available to build faulted stratigraphie grids. One such an object is constructed, it may be filled with property values used to feed different numerical processes. Sorne of these processes, as for instance flow simulators, require an efficient ways to find the neighbars of a given cell. For a non-faulted stratigraphie grid, each cell has at most six neighbors that can be round trivially using the Cu, v, w) indices of the considered cell. lntroducing faults in curvilinear grids makes the computation of cell neighborhoods non trivial in faulted zones. This paper proposes an original approach for determining the 50 called nonneighborhood connectivities of the cells in the faulted zones. },
     author = { Levy, Bruno AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 17th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Connectivites across faults in a Stratigraphic Grid: Notion of Transmitter },
     year = { 1998 }