Interactive parameterization of complex triangulated surfaces

in: 16th gOcad Meeting (Dallas), ASGA


The parameterizer is a general method allowing to easily implement a large set of algorithms. For instance, it is possible to attach properties having smaU details to a coarsly triangulated surface without den#fying ifs mesh. Another important application of this method is the constructing of cUnlilinear gnd" between given triangulated surfaces. In order to become a rea.lly convenient tool, the parametenzer should be able to satisIY user defined constraints. For irutance, one may tuant to construct a curvilinear 9nd having sorne of its section" corTe3ponding to a given set of faults. A set of DSI constraints is described here, allowing to draw on a surface a CUrtil! that will become an iso-u (or iso-v) of the parameterizanon. Moreover, the perpendicularity and constant gradient comtraints described in [6] aUow to make the parameterization propagate from the user defined lines aU over the gitJen surface. In a few words, this enables the user to sort of draw a curvilinear basis of the surface. This curvilinear basis is then propagated aU otJer the surface, thus defining a parameterization of the surface.

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     abstract = { The parameterizer is a general method allowing to easily implement a large set of algorithms. For instance, it is possible to attach properties having smaU details to a coarsly triangulated surface without den#fying ifs mesh. Another important application of this method is the constructing of cUnlilinear gnd" between given triangulated surfaces. In order to become a rea.lly convenient tool, the parametenzer should be able to satisIY user defined constraints. For irutance, one may tuant to construct a curvilinear 9nd having sorne of its section" corTe3ponding to a given set of faults. A set of DSI constraints is described here, allowing to draw on a surface a CUrtil! that will become an iso-u (or iso-v) of the parameterizanon. Moreover, the perpendicularity and constant gradient comtraints described in [6] aUow to make the parameterization propagate from the user defined lines aU over the gitJen surface. In a few words, this enables the user to sort of draw a curvilinear basis of the surface. This curvilinear basis is then propagated aU otJer the surface, thus defining a parameterization of the surface. },
     author = { Levy, Bruno AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 16th gOcad Meeting (Dallas) },
     month = { "november" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Interactive parameterization of complex triangulated surfaces },
     year = { 1997 }