Improving D.S.I. constraints

in: 14th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


The current set of D.S.I. constraints have now been widely tested on a large variety of cases. Some of these constraints are known to be working perfectly, such as Fuzzy Control Points (FCP) or On Straight Line (OSL) constraints. Others, like the On Tsurf Constraints (0 TS), behave reasonably weil in most cases, but may exhibit strange behaviours. Most of the constraints have been completely revisited, so that we can now be really confident in the way they will behave. In particular, there has been a lot of efforts towards ensuring the numerical stability of the commonly used constraints, su ch as OTS or BOB (Bstone On Border). In addition, Fuzzy Vectorial Link (FVL) and Property Puzzy Vectorial Link (PFVL) constraints have been improved. In addition to ensuring CO continuity through faults, PFVL constraints now ensure Cl continuity as weil, leading to mu ch better results. This paper is not intended as a introduction to D.S.I. For su ch an introduction, the reader should refer to [Mallet 92].

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     abstract = { The current set of D.S.I. constraints have now been widely tested on a large variety of cases. Some of these constraints are known to be working perfectly, such as Fuzzy Control Points (FCP) or On Straight Line (OSL) constraints. Others, like the On Tsurf Constraints (0 TS), behave reasonably weil in most cases, but may exhibit strange behaviours. Most of the constraints have been completely revisited, so that we can now be really confident in the way they will behave. In particular, there has been a lot of efforts towards ensuring the numerical stability of the commonly used constraints, su ch as OTS or BOB (Bstone On Border). In addition, Fuzzy Vectorial Link (FVL) and Property Puzzy Vectorial Link (PFVL) constraints have been improved. In addition to ensuring CO continuity through faults, PFVL constraints now ensure Cl continuity as weil, leading to mu ch better results. This paper is not intended as a introduction to D.S.I. For su ch an introduction, the reader should refer to [Mallet 92]. },
     author = { Cognot, Richard AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 14th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "november" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Improving D.S.I. constraints },
     year = { 1996 }