Boosting the D.S.I. interpolation method: Conjugate-gradient-like method

in: 11th gOcad Meeting, ASGA


Convergence speed has always been a critical issue for the interest of any iterative method. In the frame of the GOCAD project, the use of D.S.Ii as interpolation method of choice brings us ta that very issue frequently. Most of the time, convergence issues are raised when a refined mesh is inappropriately chosen ta solve a problem that could be solved with a much coarser one. Although the best solution would always be ta choose a better mesh, this is not always possible. After exploring previously methods ta be used ta get a better initial solution (explosive data, multi-grid), we are now moving ta speed up the kernel of the method itself. We will be using here a variant of a weil known numerical approach (conjugate gradient), and compare it ta the currently used methodology in terms of number of iterations needed but also real time used ta converge.

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     abstract = { Convergence speed has always been a critical issue for the interest of any iterative method. In the frame of the GOCAD project, the use of D.S.Ii as interpolation method of choice brings us ta that very issue frequently. Most of the time, convergence issues are raised when a refined mesh is inappropriately chosen ta solve a problem that could be solved with a much coarser one. Although the best solution would always be ta choose a better mesh, this is not always possible. After exploring previously methods ta be used ta get a better initial solution (explosive data, multi-grid), we are now moving ta speed up the kernel of the method itself. We will be using here a variant of a weil known numerical approach (conjugate gradient), and compare it ta the currently used methodology in terms of number of iterations needed but also real time used ta converge. },
     author = { Cognot, Richard AND Mallet, Jean-Laurent },
     booktitle = { 11th gOcad Meeting },
     month = { "june" },
     publisher = { ASGA },
     title = { Boosting the D.S.I. interpolation method: Conjugate-gradient-like method },
     year = { 1995 }