Speaker: Pierre Thore
Date: Thursday 6th of April 2023, 1:15pm.
Full field dynamic simulations are extremely cost expensive especially in the context of multi-realizations or during inverse problems. Many alternative approaches (proxies) have been proposed generally based on Fast-Marching but have shown strong short comings. Here we propose to use classic flow simulator with a pseudo grid composed of cells at each node of a graph and only connected through graph edges. In this approach the pre-processor of the simulator is by-passed and transmissibilities are pre-computed and provided to the flow simulator. This is still an ongoing work and results are still unsatisfactory showing discrepancies with full field simulations. The second aspect of the presentation deals with graph calculation by using skeletonization of properties (Computers & Geosciences, 2013). This technique can be applied either to geophysical measurements such as 4D or 3D inversion results or to reservoir grid properties. In the former case connectivity paths are based on data and do not depend on model.