Guillaume Caumon

Research interests

  • Geomodeling: model validity, meshing, construction and editing.
  • Uncertainty assessment and inverse problems
  • Mathematical Geoscience
  • Geostatistics and data analysis


Guillaume Caumon has a background in quantitative geosciences and computer programming. He holds a MSc degree (Diplome d'ingénieur and DEA) from the Nancy School of Geology (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie), an a PhD and Habilitation in Geosciences from INPL.

He was a postdoctoral scholar in at the Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Stanford University in 2003-2004. He was visiting professor at the Center for Wave Phenomena at Colorado School of Mines during spring and summer 2015.

He is currently the Nancy School of Geology Professor in Geomodeling at Université de Lorraine - GeoRessources, where he teaches theoretical and applied geomodeling, geostatistics, field work and C++ programming. 

Download Resume [pdf, 584ko]

Contact Information

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Phone number:+33 (0)372 74 45 22
Cell:+33 (0)679 81 85 75
ENSG office number:G205



Jeremie Giraud and Mary Ford and Guillaume Caumon and Vitaliy Ogarko and Lachlan Grose and Roland Martin and Paul Cupillard.
in: Geophysical Journal International (ggae192)
Jérémie Giraud and Guillaume Caumon and Lachlan Grose and Vitaliy Ogarko and Paul Cupillard.
in: Solid Earth, 15:1 (63-89)
Gloria Arienti and Andrea Bistacchi and Guillaume Caumon and Giovanni Dal Piaz and Bruno Monopoli and Davide Bertolo.
in: Journal of Structural Geology (105045)
Jeremie Giraud and Mahtab Rashidifard and Vitaliy Ogarko and Guillaume Caumon and Lachlan Grose and Julien Herrero and Paul Cupillard and Mark Lindsay and Mark Jessell and Laurent Aillères.
in: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical \& Magnetic Methods and Their Applications, pages 167-170, Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Chinese Geophysical Society
in: 85th EAGE Annual Conference \& Exhibition, European Association of Geoscientists \& Engineers


Fabrice Taty-Moukati and Guillaume Caumon and Radu Stoica and Francois Bonneau and X. Wu.
in: Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics, pages 1-5, European Association of Geoscientists \& Engineers
Gloria Arienti and Andrea Bistacchi and Guillaume Caumon and Francois Bonneau and Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz and Giovanni Dal Piaz and Bruno Monopoli and Davide Bertolo.
in: EGU General Assembly, European Geosciences Union
Jeremie Giraud and Guillaume Caumon and Lachlan Grose and Vitaliy Ogarko and Julien Herrero and Radu Stoica.
in: 22nd Annual Conference of the IAMG, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
Julien Herrero and Guillaume Caumon and T. Bodin and M. Lacheux.
in: Fifth EAGE Conference on Petroleum Geostatistics, pages 1-5, European Association of Geoscientists \& Engineers


Guillaume Caumon and Florent Lallier and Jonathan Edwards and Gabriel Godefroy and Paul Baville and Christophe Antoine and Paul Marchal and Cédric Carpentier and Marcus Apel and Silvan Hoth and Jean Borgomano and François Fournier and Sophie Viseur.
in: Transitions num{\'e}riques en g{\'e}ologie de l'ing{\'e}nieur, Comit{\'e} Fran{\c c}ais de G{\'e}ologie de l'Ing{\'e}nieur et de l'Environnement