Gautier Laurent and Caroline Izart and Lev Odisséevitch Filippov and Fabrice Golfier and Philippe Marion and Robert Joussemet and Frédéric Diot and Bénédicte Lechenard and Laurent Truche and Jean-Jacques Royer.
in: Goldschmidt 2017
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition
Lev Odisséevitch Filippov and Bénédicte Lechenard and Caroline Izart and Gautier Laurent and Philippe Marion and Jean-Jacques Royer.
in: Goldschmidt 2017
Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard and David Bernasconi and Cécile Vuilleumier.
in: Journ{\'e}es du Karst 2017 - Workshop Karsts et Bassins S{\'e}dimentairess
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, EAGE / SPE
Paul Cupillard and Yann Capdeville.
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition
in: Mathematical Geosciences, 49:8 (965 - 994)
Jeanne Pellerin and Arnaud Botella and Antoine Mazuyer and Benjamin Chauvin and Francois Bonneau and Guillaume Caumon and Bruno Levy.
in: Computers \& Geosciences
in: 11th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology
Margaux Raguenel and Francois Bonneau and Thomas Driesner.
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, pages 1-5
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition
Xinming Wu and Guillaume Caumon.
in: Geophysics, 82:1 (IM13--IM20)
Johan Jouves and Sophie Viseur and Bruno Arfib and Cécile Baudement and Hubert Camus and Pauline Collon and Yves Guglielmi.
in: Geomorphology
Pauline Collon and David Bernasconi and Cécile Vuilleumier and Philippe Renard.
in: Geomorphology, 283 (122-142)
Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard.
in: Computers \& Geosciences, 105 (158 - 168)
Lachlan Grose and Gautier Laurent and Laurent Ailleres and Robin Armit and Mark Jessell and Guillaume Caumon.
in: Journal of Structural Geology, 104 (80-92)
Jonathan Edgar and Nicolas Mastio.
in: 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, EAGE
Pauline Collon and Alexandre Pichat and Charlie Kergaravat and Arnaud Botella and Guillaume Caumon and Jean-Claude Ringenbach and Jean-Paul Callot.
in: Interpretation, 4:3 (SM17-SM31)
Francois Bonneau and A. Pochet and Guillaume Caumon and Philippe Renard.
in: 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016, pages 1-5, European Association of Geoscientists \& Engineers
Andrea Borghi and Philippe Renard and Fabien Cornaton.
Can one identify karst conduit networks geometry and properties from hydraulic and tracer test data?
in: Advances in Water Resources, 90 (99-115)