

Pauline Collon and A. Pichat and Océane Favreau and Gaétan Fuss and Gabriel Godefroy and Marine Lerat and Antoine Mazuyer and Marion Parquer and Guillaume Caumon and Julien Charreau and Jean-Paul Callot and J.-C. Ringenbach.
in: 24e R{\'e}union des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014), Pau, France, Oct 2014
Jonathan Edwards and Florent Lallier and Guillaume Caumon and Cédric Carpentier.
in: Second EAGE Integrated Reservoir Modelling Conference, EAGE
Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard and Julien Straubhaar and Judith Sausse.
in: GeoEnv 2014, 10th conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications
Gaston Giuliani and Guillaume Caumon and Saholy Rakotosamizanany and Daniel Ohnenstetter and M. Rakotondrazafy.
in: Revue de Gemmologie A.F.G., 188 (14-22)
Marianne Conin and S. Bourlange and P Henry and A. Boiselet and P. Gaillot.
in: Tectonophysics, 611 (181-191)
Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Philippe Renard and Julien Straubhaar and Judith Sausse.
in: AAPG 2014 Annual Convention \& Exhibition
Y. Z. Ma and J. -J. Royer and H. Wang and Y. Wang and Tiantian Zhang.
in: Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 114:8 (651-657)
in: ECMOR XIV - 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery
Guillaume Rongier and Pauline Collon and Marco Filipponi.
in: GeoEnv 2014, 10th conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications
in: ECMOR XIV - 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, EAGE
Lorraine Dewaide and Jean-Marc Baele and Pauline Collon and Yves Quinif and Gaetan Rochez and Sara Vandycke and Vincent Hallet.
in: Geologica Belgica, 17:1 (43-51)
Pauline Collon and Jeanne Pellerin and Wendy Steckiewicz-Laurent and Laurent Vaute.
in: 24{\`e}me R{\'e}union des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014)
Huaiyu Yuan and Scott French and Paul Cupillard and Barbara Romanowicz.
in: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 402:SI (176-186)
in: Mathematics of Planet Earth: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, pages 581-584, Springer
Pauline Collon and Guillaume Rongier and Martin Le Mesnil and Lorraine Dewaide and Vincent Hallet.
in: R{\'e}union des Sciences de la Terre 2014 (RST2014)
Mark Jessell and Laurent Ailleres and Eric de Kemp and Mark Lindsay and Florian Wellmann and Michael Hillier and Gautier Laurent and Thomas Carmichael and Roland Martin.
Yder J. Masson and Paul Cupillard and Yann Capdeville and Barbara Romanowicz.
in: Geophysical Journal International, 196:3 (1580-1599)