Speaker: Jeremie Giraud

Date: Wednesday 8th of November 2023, 1:15pm.


This seminar will be divided into two main parts: In the first part, I will present an updated version of abstract S1214 that I presented in August at the IAMG 2023 Annual Meeting (Trondheim): I will introduce a trans-dimensional inversion technique for 3D gravity inversion, extending a multi-level set approach using signed-distance functions to model rock unit interfaces. It accommodates an unknown number of rock units through a birth-and-death process, allowing the addition or removal of units. It also allows the recovery of rock unit geometry and densities. In this presentation, I will show an application example in an undercover imaging scenario using data from the Boulia region (Queensland, Australia). Results suggest the presence of rock units concealed from surface geology and show the potential for the method to recover hidden geological features. In the second part, I will present some the non-scientific things I learned through my now-completed Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. The work that I will present was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101032994.