RING PhD student Paul MARCHAL visited the former Schauinsland lead-silver-zinc mine
in the Black Forest (Germany),
with the ANR Geomin3D team.
The purpose was to observe geological objects (faults, breccias, etc.) that are analogous to
the hydrothermal systems of the Athabasca uranium deposits (Canada).

Visite mine PaulM

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Photo credits: RING Team.


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 Photo credit: Julie Noury-Soyer

Introducing the 2023 RING Meeting
By Guillaume Caumon, Pauline Collon and Paul Cupillard

Dear Colleagues, dear Friends,

Welcome to this new volume of the RING Meeting Proceedings! In this collection, you will find papers on new methodologies, applications, and results in integrative numerical geology. We hope you will find them useful to better map, understand, forecast, and manage uncertainties relative to the subsurface of the Earth.

Giusi UK

FB Geodays