Dordogne Pauline Nov23

As part of the DECACLIM project (DEcorated CAves under CLIMate changes) funded by the French ANR,
Pauline COLLON and fellow researchers from Toulouse, Alès, Bordeaux and Paris Saclay
made LIDAR acquisitions, water drops measurements, and photos. 
A wonderful opportunity for the numerical analysts to see in a real way what they are going to model.

Publi Jeremie

Graduation PhD 2023

Annonce RM24

The team attended Geologia 2023, the national geosciences networking event organised annually by the Nancy School of Geology.


Photo credits: Paul Marchal, RING

Organized since 1973 under the auspices of the Geological Society of France, the Meeting of Earth Sciences is the French national congress covering all of the geosciences.
During a dedicated session on hydrogeology, Augustin presented research results related to the karst network simulation method KarstNSim developed during his thesis.
Augustin also participated in an excursion, on the sidelines of the RST, to the critical zone observatory of Ploemeur-Guidel, managed by the Service National d'Observation (SNO H+).

RST Augustin



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