
One of the goals of RING is to invent, design and develop game changing methods to reconcile earth processes and field observations within a stochastic and multiscale workflow. The corresponding software not only serve as proofs of concept to support publications, but also can be used and industrialized by the RING Consortium members.

The Concurrent Number Cruncher (CNC) is a high-performance preconditioned conjugate gradient solver on the GPU using the GPGPU AMD-ATI CTM and NVIDIA CUDA APIs. The CNC was developed by Luc Buatois using a general optimized implementation of sparse matrices using Block Compressed Row Storage (BCRS) blocking strategies for various block sizes, and optimized BLAS operations through massive parallelization, vectorization of the processing and register blocking strategies.

WebExporterLogoWebExporter is a Gocad plugin for exporting structural models into an HTML page. Webgl technology is used to render the structural mode within a web browser.

This method offer a simple and cross-platform way to broadcast 3D geological models. The obtained HTML page is based on Webgl ans ThreeJS Javascript libraries.

A similar functionality is implemented within the RINGMesh library.

VorteXLib is an external library for generating unstructured meshes conformal to 3D structural models.

Geological interfaces play a significant role in the subsurface physical behavior. Capturing the interface geometry with accuracy in the mesh is then important to reduce numerical errors and approximations. Unstructured meshes are more flexible to represent complex geometries. VorteXLib offers two workflows to generate unstructured meshes conformal to 3D geological models.

GRGGraphics is the RING base graphics plugins. Its aim is to host all changes to the main SKUA-GOCAD graphics classes.

Main features:

- Visualization of iso-surfaces on Gocad's tetrahedral meshes (TSolids). Cross-sections or iso-surfaces can be added or modified from the object tree, for instance to visualize implicit surfaces.

- Allows users and developpers to use custom shader programs to visualize classic gocad objects (points, lines, surfaces, grids).


3D Restoration of  Harvard/Chevron Model [Muron, 2005]

RestorationLab is a research plugin which aims at removing deformations undergone by rocks to get the paleo-geometry of a geological model. It is a great tool able to perform 3D restoration on both implicit and explicit geological models.

Concretely it unfolds and removes the displacement due to the faults. It solves mechanics-based problem using finite element element and Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions. This plugin can also decompact a model after removal of a layer using classical porosity laws. Since Gocad 14 this plugin uses RINGMecha, therefore restoration can be applied independently to Gocad by command lines.

Contact : Benjamin Chauvin.


Concurrent Number Cruncher (CNC)

The Concurrent Number Cruncher (CNC) is a high-performance preconditioned conjugate gradient solver on the GPU using the GPGPU AMD-ATI CTM and NVIDIA CUDA APIs. The CNC was developed by Luc Buatois using a general optimized implementation of sparse matrices using Block Compressed Row Storage (BCRS) blocking strategies for various block sizes, and optimized BLAS operations through massive parallelization, vectorization of the processing and register blocking strategies.

Uncertainty Visualizer

Uncertainty Visualizer is a stand-alone application dedicated to uncertainty visualization, developped by Thomas Viard. It features two different methods, which respectively map uncertainty to the intensity of a 'fabric' texture pattern or to the blending ratio between a sharp and a blurred display of the model. Input data should be provided as grid slices given in the GSLIB format.
Uncertainty Visualizer reproduces the basic behavior of the UncertaintyViewer Gocad plugin. The Gocad plugin (accessible to sponsors) has much more features for the uncertainty displays on corner-point reservoir grids.


ParticleEngine is a visualization engine dedicated to vector fields developed by Thomas Viard and MSc student Gregoire Piquet. It is based on particles randomly sampled over the domain of interest and displaced according to the local orientation and intensity of the vectors. The vector fields are read from a file written in an extended GSLIB format. The package features two different modes of particle displacement, one on the CPU and the other on the GPU.

Magnetostratigraphic correlation (Cupydon)

Magnetostratigraphic correlation is generally a manual task. The Cupydon software allows you to automatically correlate your mag section to the reference scale. The main benefit is not so much the gain in time but the possibility to look at a large number of likely correlations depending on the length of your section and on the variations of the sedimentation rate.

Free 3D structural models

We provide 9 synthetic structural models. Their purpose is to test and benchmark geomodeling algorithms. You may reused and modify these models for research and educational purposes without limitations, provided that you cite our 2015 Computers&Geosciences paper.